Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. – Anonymous
Two weeks ago, an infrastructure bill introduced to the US Congress from the Democratic Party that restarts the ITC back to 30% for five years. How would this initiative affect your company? Whether it passes or not, my main takeaway is that if the Democrats win the presidency, then renewable energy will help restructure how Americans live. Even without the ITC changing, we see utilities like Dominion and PacifiCorp planning and designing programs to add 10GWs and 4.3GWs, respectively.
If you are a salesperson and you are looking for a new opportunity, please contact Robert or Karlita, and we would like to discuss your interest in sales.
As the solar industry continues to grow, the US federal government emphasizes reducing costs. By adding five more years to ITC and adding a carbon tax, this will cause companies with huge energy footprints to add more solar in their portfolios. In Germany, the country that once was a manufacturing leader in solar has enticed Meyer Burger, a long-time supplier of high-tech machinery, to acquire the SolarWorld factory. Their plan is to nurture what could become a 5-gigawatt European PV manufacturing hub in central Germany.
Have questions about inventory please contact Karlita for module purchases contact Robert…