What makes renewable energy companies want to develop solar? Investors want to finance solar projects that American consumers and businesses want to own, mainly because it’s often the most affordable electricity option. Most important, it is not subject to the volatility of other energy markets. Recent surveys have found overwhelming bipartisan support to accelerate the transition to a renewable energy economy. Over 79 percent of Americans from across the political spectrum want the government to prioritize solar over fossil fuels. The new administration has climate change as one of its top three priorities. The U.S. and the global drive to build solar continues to increase while dealing with a worldwide pandemic.
“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, a lack of knowledge, but a lack of will.”
Vince Lombardi
When U.S. developers, financial institutions, EPC, and installers were surveyed on their confidence in the renewable sector, even with the backdrop of COVID-19, most expressed a strong sense of optimism. However, solar has dealt with some supply-chain disruptions, including increases in shipping cost by 50% or greater, increased glass cost, and forced labor camps in China involved with wafer production. Although pandemic-related delays, the long-term outlook for renewable energy growth in the U.S. remains positive. Investors and developers reported optimism in the solar energy sector that will continue its growth over the next three years. Financial institutions investing annually $500 million or more responded with the highest confidence level for the sector’s attractiveness and long-term health.
Important Note:
USD has partnered with Stem and Enel X and is accredited for storage. If you are looking for storage options on your next or any future projects, please allow us to ensure your storage investment brings the expected returns.
If you are looking for low-cost high-efficiency modules or storage please read below.
Looking for an amazing module deal than please contact us ASAP and we have a number of modules (JA, QCell, Longi, Jinko, Trina, GCL, Risen, and Seraphim) at extremely low prices? These are Tier 1 with a full warranty being purchased directly from the factory.
With an additional two years of 26% ITC, it is time now to remove the tariff.
If you want 430W to 460W modules let us know as we can get best pricing.
Last week’s question, “Do you understand the risks of purchasing modules?” “47% of the respondents said, Yes.”
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USD focuses on ensuring our customers have a pleasant experience purchasing modules or storage. We have refined the steps of the bid, acceptance, and delivery process. We perform the steps required to satisfy the requirements of all the parties in the acquisition and sale. Please contact us with any questions, and we can help you better understand the value of hiring module professionals to assist your module purchase process.