There are two ways to look at food: What you ingest and how it is grown. How it is grown is more important to everyone than what you eat. What you eat is personal, and that is about personal liberty and freedom. Some want vegan or vegetarian, and that’s great, others want meat, and that’s as good. There are downsides to beef propagation which I discussed below. But how food is grown is collective; it is a communal thing. Chemicals affect all our health; whether you eat that food or not, chemicals disable the soil from storing carbon, impacting us. So as a movement, we need to shift our paradigm to thinking who cares what you’re eating, let’s care about how we are growing, and care about the impact the way we grow things has on us.
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.”
Some of the potential technology changes required to solve our present climate crises include; Hydrogen produced without emitting carbon, zero-carbon cement, and steel, zero-carbon fertilizer. Also, next-generation nuclear fission, grid-scale electricity storage lasting a complete season. Plus, electro-fuels, advanced biofuels, and plant and cell-based meat and dairy. If that list seems impossible, it is not. As a world community, we can solve these innovations. We have to decide we will put our world community towards solutions that will bring us back from a planet our child and their children have to fight for places to live and food to eat.
Unicorn has an 80MW of 445W SunTech modules arriving in the US on the West Coast and potentially the East Coast if you pre-order before leaving the factory in Asia beginning in July 2021 thru October 2021.
To read my article in the North American Clean Energy for March/April issue go to the following link. You will find the article on page 14: North American Clean Energy March/April 2021 Issue by North American Clean Energy – Issuu
If you want a video look at the expected growth of 2019/2020 based on an interview in SPI 2019 go to this link:
Important Note:
USD has partnered with Stem and Enel X and is accredited for storage. If you are looking for storage options on your next or any future projects, please allow us to ensure your storage investment brings the expected returns.
If you are looking for low-cost high-efficiency modules or storage please read below.
Looking for an amazing module deal than please contact us ASAP and we have a number of modules (JA, QCell, Longi, Trina, GCL, Risen, and Seraphim) at extremely low prices? These are Tier 1 with a full warranty being purchased directly from the factory.
With an additional two years of 26% ITC, it is time now to remove the tariff.
If you want 430W to 460W modules let us know as we can get the best pricing.
Last week’s question, “Will the administration increase funding to energy technology?” “53% of the respondents said, Yes.”
Thank you for your responses. Each week we will give you the results from the previous week’s question. If you have a minute please respond to the below question.
Thank you for being our customer
USD focuses on ensuring our customers have a pleasant experience purchasing modules or storage. We have refined the steps of the bid, acceptance, and delivery process. We perform the steps required to satisfy the requirements of all the parties in the acquisition and sale. Please contact us with any questions, and we can help you better understand the value of hiring module professionals to assist your module purchase process.
Have questions please contact Karlita or Robert, and we will be happy to assist you? If you have Marketing questions contact Jayde.