Karlita Benedict, MPA
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Mrs. Benedict worked within the solar industry for 13 years. She started in her native Ecuador as the IT Director of Soul-er for Solar, where she hired with Robert Benedict, a team of experts in different fields of technology, such as web developing and design, coding, and database management. Within Soul-er Ecuadorian Division, she was also running the sales department of PV modules and water heating systems. Under her vision, the IT department created several programs for the company, including a solar calculator, that in the early years of solar, helped the sales team determine project sizing and accurate quoting for both residential and commercial installations.
After spending years in solar, Mrs. Benedict wanted to expand her experience into the fashion industry. For five years after entering the solar industry, Karlita collaborated with major department stores within the sales, merchandising, and marketing departments. Through this experience, she enhanced her selling skills, and while she wasn’t directly involved in solar, she continued to assist as a consultant and interpreter in projects involving Mexico, South America, and Central American markets. Today at USD, she oversees operations of the company and the project management division. Recently, working on winning “community solar” projects within the United States and a 20 MW utility project in South America.