Solar Energy

Producing Energy through Community Solar

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“Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of people working together. Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community. Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration” – Unknown

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Although community solar is a fairly new method of generating energy, it has found it’s feet in 19 states and the District of Columbia. There are about 2 GW of community solar installed across the United States, supporting our rural communities. This energy is generating local revenue and helping states make progress toward their clean energy and climate goals.

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This allows residents, farmers, small businesses, and municipalities to receive credit on their electric bills. The end users are lowering their overall electricity costs through the power produced, from their section of the solar array. Many types of programs, are designed for farmers to build or host community solar projects, helping landowners and solar companies to coordinate their efforts and participate in this growing market.

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Community solar generally occupies leased land, allowing for easier return to its original state. Also, it enables equal access to the economic and environmental benefits of solar energy, regardless of the physical attributes or ownership status of an individual’s home or business. In other words, if you can’t install solar directly on your property, community solar is a great option for accessing the savings and other benefits solar provides.

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The coronavirus effect is now upsetting the stock market. If you are planning the completion of a project over the next few months we recommend locking in your module and other equipment at the earliest date possible. At this point although many of the towns, factories, and people are producing products, how long this will last is not known. At USD we can assist you in obtaining the modules you need for your project. Please contact Robert or Karlita and we will do our best to assist you.

If you are interested in European modules please let me know as RECOM is now a Tier 1 supplier and the largest module manufacturer in Europe.  I can get you excellent pricing.


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