Solar Energy

Season Greetings and Merry Christmas from Unicorn Solar’s family!

In this season of joy, Unicorn Solar extends heartfelt thanks to our valued vendors, suppliers, colleagues, and customers, as well as their families, for the incredible support and collaboration throughout the year. Your dedication has been pivotal to our success, and we are genuinely grateful. Wishing each of you Happy Holidays, filled with happiness and accomplishments.


Looking ahead to the coming year, we hope you’ll keep Unicorn Solar in mind for your future equipment needs. Your consideration is greatly valued, and we look forward to continued collaboration. We hope we can celebrate together at InterSolar San Diego 2024.


Expressing our gratitude to the community, we actively engage in acts of kindness and philanthropy. Whether it’s supporting local initiatives, contributing to social causes, or fostering environmental stewardship, Unicorn Solar is dedicated to creating a positive impact.

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