Everyone in the solar industry knows by now that solar module prices are going up. What is causing the prices to go up, and is there a way to change the upward price trend? Since the first step in manufacturing is polysilicon, which is the most significant problem with current pricing, each step along the manufacturing process adds an increased percentage to the cost.
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”
J.K. Rowling,
Additionally, China has the most significant inflation problem in more than a decade. Solar module costs have risen 21% since the start of the year, potentially causing developers to delay projects. The heads of some of China’s largest solar makers pressed the industry to reduce costs as raw material inflation boosts panel prices for the first time in eight years. Prices may stay high through the rest of the year, but the supply shortage should ease in 2022 and 2023 as new factories come online.
Unicorn has been purchasing modules from Aisa directly saving our customers thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars (a penny or more a watt). If you are purchasing your modules and would consider a competitive bid, we would appreciate the opportunity to assist and de-risk your investment.
To read my article in the North American Clean Energy for March/April issue go to the following link. You will find the article on page 14: North American Clean Energy March/April 2021 Issue by North American Clean Energy – Issuu
If you want a video look at the expected growth of 2019/2020 based on an interview in SPI 2019 go to this link: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=solar+growth+in+2020&docid=608000596298760550&mid=C1231B15B34081B9C03DC1231B15B34081B9C03D&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
Important Note:
USD has partnered with Stem and Enel X and is accredited for storage. If you are looking for storage options on your next or any future projects, please allow us to ensure your storage investment brings the expected returns.
If you are looking for low-cost high-efficiency modules or storage please read below.
Looking for an amazing module deal than please contact us ASAP and we have a number of modules (JA, QCell, Longi, Trina, GCL, Risen, and Seraphim) at extremely low prices? These are Tier 1 with a full warranty being purchased directly from the factory.
With an additional two years of 26% ITC, it is time now to remove the tariff.
If you want 450W to 600W modules let us know as we can get the best pricing.
Last week’s question, “Does how we grow things affect the environment?”86% of the respondents said, Yes.”
Thank you for your responses. Each week we will give you the results from the previous week’s question. If you have a minute please respond to the below question.
Thank you for being our customer
USD focuses on ensuring our customers have a pleasant experience purchasing modules or storage. We have refined the steps of the bid, acceptance, and delivery process. We perform the steps required to satisfy the requirements of all the parties in the acquisition and sale. Please contact us with any questions, and we can help you better understand the value of hiring module professionals to assist your module purchase process.
Have questions please contact Karlita or Robert, and we will be happy to assist you? If you have Marketing questions contact Jayde.