If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster. Stephen Covey
There is a recent partnership between LandGate’s data intelligence tool and NLR’s network of agents, which creates a robust marketplace for all land transactions. What you will find is the most significant number of listings from farmers, ranchers, and landowners. The partnership will provide an estimated value for every parcel of land, including multiple resource segments such as minerals, solar, wind, water, recreation, and more. The valuations, nearby listings, and sales data provides both buyers and sellers transparent and secure online market transactions.
Whether you have been in solar for months or years, if you review history, you will find our colleagues are all working to do extraordinary work for our planet by keeping renewables at the forefront of our customer’s eyes and minds. As we help solar to mature auxiliary products surrounding the base, solar development has assisted in refining our projects and how we perform the daily activities. As solar keeps growing, we can only guess how many new products and ideas that become the way of life in solar. Many people looked at solar as a roller coaster ride and agreed it has its up and downs but one constant no matter what gets in the way as an industry we go over, under, around, or through the issue. Each of us can be proud that we have kept up the fight to become the energy of choice.
Will 2020 US total MW installs be greater than 2021?
USD focuses on ensuring our customers have a pleasant experience purchasing modules. We have refined the steps of the bid, acceptance, and delivery process. We perform the steps required to satisfy the requirements of all the parties in the acquisition and sale. Please contact us with any questions, and we can help you better understand the value of hiring module professionals to assist your module purchase process.
Have questions please contact Karlita or Robert, and we will be happy to assist you?