EPC is a broad term in the interweaving solar industry. Over the years, we have seen the lines between the investor, developer, and EPC change, from companies buying other companies to adding new competencies to their functional portfolios. When the developer does general contracting duties, sometimes the EPC assists with funding for the project. There are many combinations of how solar companies build their core competencies and add new skills and expertise to their brain trust.
The Benedict Family wishes each of you a Happy Holiday with blessings. The center top photo is our family’s new baby who we are inviting into the solar world with all of you. Proud Parents “Robert & Karlita”
“If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time – a tremendous whack.”
― Winston S. Churchill
Now we need a rebound from the pandemic, which has been terrorizing humans around the world. The COVID rebound is already well underway, and over the coming years, the underlying solar trends driving demand growth are continuing to grow. Renewable energy, battery storage, and electric vehicles are growing fast. The shift is not fast enough to shift annual global greenhouse gas emissions off a trajectory of continued increases. We only see a nominal decline. The time is now to place extra efforts to expand your business and grow solar, whether for homes, businesses, or utility installations.
Important Note:
USD has partnered with Stem and now has the accreditation needed for storage. If you are looking for storage options on your next or any future projects, please allow us to ensure your storage investment brings the expected returns.
If you are looking to safe harbor low-cost high efficiency modules or storage please read below.
Looking for an amazing module deal then please contact us ASAP and we have a number of modules at extremely low prices? We are not advertising the name of panels but they are Tier 1 with full warranty. The owner requested only one-on-one sales.
Through the end of the month, we are focused on getting customers safe harbor modules. If you want 430W modules and above let us know we can get best pricing. The time to get safe harbor modules is now do not wait longer or delivery by March 15th 2021 will not happen.
Last week’s question, “Will 2021 be better for renewables than 2020 in total installs?” “63% of the respondents said, Yes.”
Thank you for your responses. Each week we will give you the results from the previous week’s question. If you have a minute please respond to the below question.
Thank you for being our customer
USD focuses on ensuring our customers have a pleasant experience purchasing modules or storage. We have refined the steps of the bid, acceptance, and delivery process. We perform the steps required to satisfy the requirements of all the parties in the acquisition and sale. Please contact us with any questions, and we can help you better understand the value of hiring module professionals to assist your module purchase process.
Have questions please contact Karlita or Robert, and we will be happy to assist you?