Solar Energy

A new day in the incredible American journey, how does it affect you?

America is on the verge of calling the election a win for Vice President Joe Biden. Based on every comment that President-elect Biden has said over the last year and a half, we can look for renewable energy to take its most massive movement forward. USD wants to tank the American people on both sides of the aisle for taking the time to fill out their ballot and send it in, drop it off, or go to the election center and vote.

And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal. 

John F. Kennedy


This is the President-elect Biden’s messageJoe Biden knows there is no more significant challenge facing our country and our world. He outlines a bold plan – a Clean Energy Revolution – to address this grave threat and lead the world in addressing the climate emergency. President-elect Biden believes the United States urgently needs to embrace greater ambition on an epic scale to meet this challenge’s scope. Second, our environment and our economy are entirely connected.


Joe Biden has long appreciated the enormity of climate change and has always believed that we have a moral and economic imperative to address it. In 1986, he introduced one of the first-ever climate bills in Congress. Politifact recently called him a “climate change pioneer” and dubbed his early leadership “a watershed moment.”

Biden’s Focus:

  • Ensure the U.S. achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches net-zero emissions no later than 2050
  • Build a stronger, more resilient nation
  • Rally the rest of the world to meet the threat of climate change
  • Stand up to the abuse of power by polluters who disproportionately harm communities of color and low-income communities
  • Fulfill our obligation to workers and communities who powered our industrial revolution and subsequent decades of economic growth

The Biden plan will make a historic investment in our clean energy future. Environmental justice is paid for by rolling back the Trump tax incentives that enrich corporations at the expense of American jobs and the environment. Biden’s climate and environmental justice proposal will make a federal investment of $1.7 trillion over the next ten years, leveraging the additional private sector and state and local investments to total more than $5 trillion.

Important Note:

USD has partnered with Stem and now has the accreditation needed for storage. If you are looking for storage options on your next or any future projects, please allow us to ensure your storage investment brings the expected returns.

If you are looking for low-cost high efficiency modules or storage please read below.

Looking for an amazing module deal then please contact us ASAP and we have a number of modules at extremely low prices? We are not advertising the name of panels but they are Tier 1 with full warranty. The owner requested only one-on-one sales.


Please go to the below link if you are interested in reading my article in the North American Clean Energy periodical about “Raising Capital While Cutting Loss.”:


 If you have six to eight weeks before requiring modules please let us know, and we will remove all risk by auditing your order from BOM through delivery.

This week we have a main focus of modules available. If you want 440W modules and above let us know we can get best pricing. Also, we have availability of First Solar Series 6. We have MWs available with 2020 5% savings from the ITC.
Last week’s question, “Are you living the American Dream?” “61% of the respondents said, Yes.”

Thank you for your responses. Each week we will give you the results from the previous week’s question. If you have a minute please respond to the below question.

Thank you for being our customer

USD focuses on ensuring our customers have a pleasant experience purchasing modules or storage. We have refined the steps of the bid, acceptance, and delivery process. We perform the steps required to satisfy the requirements of all the parties in the acquisition and sale. Please contact us with any questions, and we can help you better understand the value of hiring module professionals to assist your module purchase process.

Have questions please contact Karlita or Robert, and we will be happy to assist you? 


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