Solar Energy

Are you attending Intersolar 2020? How important are factory inspections?

“You know how before you buy a house, you hire someone to come check it out and write a homebuyer’s report? Someone should do that for your modules. Before you sign your contract, you should have a complete inspection to find out what’s the suppliers history, if it’s fixable, and how they performed in the past.”

As the solar industry continues to grow, it will become more important to know where your modules are being manufactured. While traveling throughout Asia, you see most Tier 1 manufacturers having OEM partners producing modules for them. There is no problem with this as long as the end customer is getting the modules they are expecting.

US solar insights says the U.S. installed 2.6 gigawatts (GW) of solar PV capacity in Q3 2019 to reach 71.3 GW of total installed capacity, enough to power 13.5 million American homes. Residential solar saw its best quarter in history in Q3, and the utility-scale solar pipeline now stands at a record 45.5 GW in Q2. Total installed U.S. PV capacity is expected to more than double over the next five years.

While traveling Asia, I see first hand the need to inspect the factories where my customers are purchasing their modules. This is why, USD hired consultants to perform the inspection and auditing functions, to enhance our ability to ensure that our customers are getting best in class modules based on the contract.  We have partnered with CEP Solar, who covers an entire group of skill sets guaranteeing to our customers they are getting what they paid.
Quality Inspection:

CEP Solar conducts quality control on manufacturer’s premises, following IEC 61215 standard, controlling manufacturer’s internal reports, and all documents related to the production. The inspection is carried out by expert personnel constantly present in the factory throughout the production process. Upon completion of the inspection, CEP/USD issues a comprehensive inspection report containing detailed information and supported with digital pictures.

The factory audit consists of a comprehensive analysis of the supplier, which in turn helps the buyer evaluate a possible partnership after considering the technical capability, experience, reliability, and financial strength of the supplier.

If you are attending Intersolar, please send Karlita or me an email and lets set up a meeting.

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