Solar Energy

Goals what are they? How do we achieve them?

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Good things don’t come to those who wait. Good things come to those who take action. You’re the master of your own destiny, so grab the opportunity and start manifesting the new you.


Goals are achieved through action

If we were to start taking notes now on all the items we need to address the rest of this year and next year to achieve success for your company; this list can be your basis for a successful 2020. When in the consulting industry we used a simple but effective method to unravel the goal and build a plan of action to achieve each task and the strategy.

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Goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, results-oriented, and time qualified. Written in simplistic wording and completely understood by the members of the company directing the activities. Also, designating each of the employees that are actively involved in achieving specific activities/tasks.

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Goals are usually obtained through specific activities. They are most often obtained by laying out a plan with specific steps to achieve the result. When a goal is not achieved the reason is either a faulty plan or the plan was not implemented by daily awareness and activities that are required to succeed.

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When you want to achieve a goal there is no more important time to start then now. If you begin by waiting until tomorrow or maybe the day after that or possibly the week after, your goal is almost assured to fail. Deciding on a goal is hard enough acting on the goal takes energizing yourself to the point of staying focused. We have to override the brains desire to follow its normal pattern. The brain and our nervous system is so well programmed to follow our routines because of our neurotransmitters. These transmitters are directing us to do what they unconsciously direct our motor processing system to do.


When we do not act we end up fighting ourselves and prevent ourselves from getting what we want. We have to override the brains desire to follow its normal pattern. The brain and our nervous system is so well programmed to follow our routines because of our neurotransmitters. These transmitters are directing us to do what they unconsciously direct our motor processing system to do. For this reason we have to consciously have to stay focused on what we want and make sure when our neurotransmitters attempt to go back to our regular programming we do the activities that will allow us to achieve what we want.

Actions you can take now to start out 2020 with a bang

Briefly outline 3 to 5 short term objectives and any actions you have taken to address them. If you have not designed a specific action plan to address them, leave that space blank. Next outline 3 to 5 long term objectives and any actions you have taken to address them. If you have not designed a specific action plan to address them, leave that space blank.

In closing

If you are presently looking for modules, USD has a few different options for you.  We have 60 and 72 cell modules.  Tier 1 or Tier 2.  Different wattages to potentially fit your requirements.  Please contact us by phone or email.  Last note USD has been working on a new website that will be up shortly we hope you will visit the site to learn more about us.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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