Solar Energy

The Value of Microgrids and Grid Stabilization

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Happy Holiday’s from “USD”

From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life. ~ Arthur Ashe


The Value of Microgrids and Grid Stabilization

Microgrids distribute electricity within a limited area from a relatively small generation point. The advantage of a microgrid is that the installation cost can spread across a city, town, or village. The system can also use more efficient, larger-scale generation and storage systems, lowering operational costs.

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A typical installation uses rows of solar panels located on different rooftops or, if available, a ground mount system. The site is carefully mapped before installation to ensure the most efficient arrangement of distribution lines. “This mapping and design is real innovation.” Battery systems reliability increase the daily output. With battery backup, users have electricity available if grid outages take place.

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Solar as a Grid Stabilizer

There is little attention placed on the ways solar can help stabilize the grid. A combination of smart inverters and targeted plant operation can enable solar to offer a wide array of essential reliability services, from frequency control to voltage regulation.

A solar project can provide an essential and reliable service better than any source of conventional generation.

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Most solar projects offer no such services, not because they are incapable of doing so, but because the market doesn’t reward it. Most projects are compensated purely for energy delivered in kilowatt-hours/megawatt-hours. Their contribution to grid reliability is not compensated or considered in most cases.

Incentives for Advanced grid features

To date, the solar industry’s incentive to develop advanced grid features is limited to mostly regulatory compliance. Technology providers do everything possible to improve the cost structure of solar. Almost no focus is placed on the optimization of the technology for grid reliability. It is a fantastic way we can bring greater value to our industry.


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