Solar Energy

What are the energy requirements in how we make things and perform manufacturing?

The targets set in the Paris Agreement on climate change are ambitious but necessary.  We must become carbon neutral by 2050.  Failure to meet them will lead to widespread drought, disease, and desperation in some of the world’s poorest regions. Under such conditions, mass migration by stranded climate refugees is almost inevitable.

“It’s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.”

 Bill Gates

Yet if wealthier nations are to be serious in their commitment to the Paris target, they must begin to account for the carbon emissions contained within products they import and use daily. Heavy industry and the constant demand for consumer goods are key contributors to climate change. Thirty-one percent of global greenhouse gas emissions are the byproduct of converting metal ores and fossil fuels into cars, washing machines, and electronic devices that help prop up the economy and make life a little more comfortable.
Industrial countries have a more significant part of the carbon issue emitted from their use. With industrial countries having higher purchasing power, they create more than their fair share of consuming and polluting. As GDP rises for every item bought or sold, and with each 1% increase in GDP, there is a corresponding 0.5 to 0.7% rise in carbon emissions.  The growing demand for day-to-day conveniences exacerbates this problem.  For metal ores alone, the extraction rate more than doubled between 1980 and 2008, and it shows no sign of slowing.


Governments of more affluent countries that import products but not their emissions must stop pointing the finger at China or other manufacturing or mining giants and start taking responsibility. Meaning going further than they have been willing to go so far and implementing sustainable material strategies that address a product’s entire lifecycle from mining to manufacturing, use, and eventually to disposal. On an individual level, people must vote with their money. It’s time to leave behind the laggards who hide the cost of the carbon contained within their products and who design them to fail to put profits before people and the environment.

Unicorn has an 80MW special, which includes SunTech 445W mono perk modules. Plus, we have 80 MW of ” Array Technologies Duratrack single-axis trackers (

To read my article in the North American Clean Energy for March/April issue go to the following link. You will find the article on page 14North American Clean Energy March/April 2021 Issue by North American Clean Energy – Issuu

If you want a video look at the expected growth of 2019/2020 based on an interview in SPI 2019 go to this link:

Important Note:

USD has partnered with Stem and Enel X and is accredited for storage. If you are looking for storage options on your next or any future projects, please allow us to ensure your storage investment brings the expected returns.

If you are looking for low-cost high-efficiency modules or storage please read below.

Looking for an amazing module deal than please contact us ASAP and we have a number of modules (JA, QCell, Longi, Trina, GCL, Risen, and Seraphim) at extremely low prices? These are Tier 1 with a full warranty being purchased directly from the factory.

 If you have eight to ten weeks before requiring modules, please let us know, and we will remove all risk by auditing your order from BOM through delivery.

With an additional two years of 26% ITC, it is time now to remove the tariff.

If you want 430W to 460W modules let us know as we can get the best pricing.

Last week’s question, “Do you believe climate change is affecting the planet?” “93% of the respondents said, Yes.” 

Thank you for your responses. Each week we will give you the results from the previous week’s question. If you have a minute please respond to the below question.

Last week’s question, “Do you believe climate change is affecting the planet?” “93% of the respondents said, Yes.”

Thank you for your responses. Each week we will give you the results from the previous week’s question. If you have a minute please respond to the below question.

Thank you for being our customer

USD focuses on ensuring our customers have a pleasant experience purchasing modules or storage. We have refined the steps of the bid, acceptance, and delivery process. We perform the steps required to satisfy the requirements of all the parties in the acquisition and sale. Please contact us with any questions, and we can help you better understand the value of hiring module professionals to assist your module purchase process.

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